Wing fuel lines

I kept the aux tank transfer fuel lines high in the wing.

The aux tanks use a facet fuel pump to transfer fuel from the aux tanks to the main tanks. I made sure that there was no interference with the aileron bell crank and the fuel lines.

The main fuel lines came out of the tank and needed to go through part of the rib. In this case a doubler was needed since the hole was through part of the lightening hole. Some people have used fittings to go around the rib here, but I was really striving for clean fuel system with a few direction changes as possible.

Here you can see that I decided to tee the aux fuel line into the top sight gauge line.  This allows for the fuel to not only fill the main tank, but also back fill down the sight gauge and push the little orange ball down, while fuel is being transferred.  When the aux fuel is being transferred and when the aux tank is empty will be clearly evident.