Funny story. Matt was visiting from Alaska and wanted to save on shipping for some heavy tools he ordered. So he found me on the bear hawk forums and asked if he could have them shipped to my house so he could take them as checked luggage back to AK. And a great friendship was born!
To say thanks for housing his tools for a while, he offered to stop by and help wrench on my Bearhawk. We worked on a few odds and ends and he fabricated a few interior pieces. But the bulk of our time was spent fiddling with the magnetos!
To begin with the internal gears weren’t clocked right so we had to re-clock them. Then we found the impulse coupling was magnetized and wasn’t allowing the pawls to free fall. Then the right mag had a bad grounding issue that was intermittent. Matt was super patient and helped me noodle through these very perplexing issues.
After A LOT of fiddling, we finally decided to send off the left mag to have the impulse coupling replaced and deferred dealing with the right mag. More on that to follow. (Spoiler alert: I eventually went with electronic ignition on the right side).